Kilo Wharf Improvements – Guam

- Ordnance container handling pad on Orote Point Peninsula in close proximity to Kilo Wharf.
- Security Fencing.
- Intrusion Detection System.
- Lighting.
- Lightning Protection System.
- Structural Repairs to Kilo Wharf.
- Complete Design & Construction of the Orote Pt. Road.
- Renovation to Existing Buildings.
- Improvements to existing steam, fire protection, and other utility systems.
Black’s scope of work included the completion of the RFP (35%) design document to final construction documents including specifications, basis of design, and final drawings, followed by actual construction of the wharf improvements and the civil work associated with Orote Point Road and the ordnance handling pad.
Guam Contractors’ Association 2006 Excellence in Construction Awards
Infrastructure/Heavy Category Winner