The Ocean Ridge Village Homes is a 7-story, Forty-Eight (48) unit, 3-Bedroom condominium project constructed on the Island of Saipan in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, better known as the CNMI. Each of the units were approximately 1,470SF in area. The Ocean Ridge Homes are an affordable housing complex utilizing tax credits intended to provide essential housing for permanent residents of Saipan. The initial work required the demolition of the local Hyundai Auto show room, sales and administrative offices. Also included, was the demolition and removal of the vehicle repair shop and parts facility. Initial site development included earthwork and site grading, installation of underground site utilities, asphalt parking lots, concrete sidewalks, terminations to public utilities including water, sewer, power and communications/cable. Another feature of work included the construction of a 40,000-gallon concrete water storage tank to supply necessary firefighting water, public pavilion and BBQ facility. The 7 story structure was supported on a reinforced 3,000 cubic yard, 3-foot-thick mat foundation on 18” thick base course material. The main frame of the structure was reinforced concrete utilizing pre-stressed, precast concrete floor planks from the 2nd floor up to the roof. A PECCO 560 heavy lift tower crane was mobilized and installed to provide the lift capacity for the 7ton PS/PC concrete planks. Other design features included fluid-applied roof membrane, metal fabrications, thermal and sound insulation, non-structural metal framing, carpentry, gypsum board partitions and ceilings, ceramic tile flooring, aluminum windows, glazing, wood and fiberglass doors and frames, door hardware, cabinetry and fixtures, room ID and signage, equipment, painting, typhoon shutters, solar panels, fire detection system, CCTV system, electrical, ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing, fire protection, stand-by power generation and site landscaping.

Contract No.:
Project Manager:
Cristina A. Macam
Project Superintendent:
Robert M. Redolozo
Original Contract Amount:
Final Contract Amount:
Original Contract Completion:
December 15, 2019
Final Contract Completion:
January 31, 2020
Actual Date Contract Accepted:
November 5, 2018
Start Date:
November 15, 2018
Liquidated damages assessed:
Owner/Customer Point of Contact:
Dan Murrell
Owner/Customer phone/fax Nos:
Phone No. (671) 687-8396
Percentage of work performed:
Was Offeror Prime Contractor or Subcontractor?
Customer Evaluation: None